Data Center
Secure facility to host Your critical system
Biznet isan IntegratedDigitalInfrastructureCompany

Biznet has complete infrastructure to manage your digital business requirements, from Biznet Fiber that spans over 100,000 KM in 186+ cities throughout Indonesia; from backbone network to distribution network to offices/homes, Biznet Data Center in three (3) locations and Biznet Gio Cloud that offers managed cloud computing service infrastructure for an easier operation.

Data Center Locations
MidPlaza Jakarta

Since 2001, Biznet Data Center Jakarta MidPlaza has been running at 100% uptime, located at heart of Jakarta Central Business District.

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Service Excellence
SLA Uptime
Ensuring your business running at all time
Total Providers
A neutral carrier facility for redundant network configuration
Total Biznet Fiber
100.000+ KM
Extensive Biznet Coverage Area to delivery your content faster
Why Biznet Data Center?
Relieve your stress at Biznet Technovillage Lobby
Full Service Business Center at Biznet Data Center Technovillage Read More
Video Operation Center
Home of Biznet Cable TV 24x7 operation Read More
Secure Closed Rack Space
Store your business critical application Read More